Transform Your Wealth: The Ultimate Guide to Selecting 100x Coins for Financial Freedom!

Sajjad Hussain
3 min readJust now

Did you know that buying the mainstream coin is easy, but it is difficult to hold, and it never reaches the moon? Buying the next 100x coins means finding a suitable target that is capable of increasing its market value over a short period. Financial freedom needs a coin that increases 100 times; if you are buying a coin that already has a billion-dollar market value, how do you determine it will increase its market value to a trillion dollars?

Always select a coin that has a market value under 100 million US dollars. You can calculate the market value of a coin by multiplying its liquidity by the unit price. For example, Malina coin traded with the price of $4.38, and its liquidity is $277.2M.

Market Value = $4.38 * $277.2M = $1214.1M

If you are selecting a coin that has a market value of billions of dollars, like Shiba Inu with 11 billion dollars of market value, how can you determine if it will be able to increase its value? Just like you, many others also want to buy the coin, which increases its value over time. For example, Shiba Inu, it has already reached billions of dollars, so many people are unwilling to buy it.

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